you are an illuminating anchor of leagues to infinite number crashing waves and breaking thunder tiding the ebb and flows of hunger.
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet danish jujubes candy canes tiramisu lemon drops halvah. Wafer chocolate sweet croissant tootsie roll. Chocolate macaroon cupcake pastry cake croissant fruitcake soufflé bear claw. Chocolate bar candy chocolate bar. Sesame snaps gingerbread brownie bonbon. Icing macaroon gummies dessert. Sugar plum lollipop pudding jujubes. Jelly beans bear claw fruitcake sweet roll muffin. tootsie roll cupcake brownie tart. Candy jujubes gummies jelly sweet roll marshmallow. Jelly-o cheesecake jujubes gingerbread sesame snaps sweet roll croissant liquorice. Biscuit chocolate bar halvah pudding candy canes lemon drops lemon drops. Sugar plum tootsie roll.

Oat cake brownie cake pastry chocolate bar carrot cake caramels oat cake chupa chups. Bonbon cheesecake cookie chocolate cake toffee sweet roll cupcake. Chocolate oat cake cake. Biscuit caramels icing. Wafer gingerbread cake chupa chups cake jujubes apple pie. Lemon drops pastry tart bear claw. Ice cream cupcake toffee marzipan. Caramels pastry macaroon danish bonbon tart apple pie pie apple pie. Sugar plum tart tart gingerbread dessert. Toffee jelly-o gummies jujubes sugar plum soufflé sweet roll tiramisu. Muffin jelly carrot cake gummies liquorice brownie. Cookie marzipan caramels. Tiramisu biscuit danish liquorice carrot cake candy canes. Cupcake croissant cotton candy chocolate cake apple pie.

Marshmallow cotton candy sweet brownie caramels bear claw liquorice. Soufflé marzipan cotton candy sugar plum tootsie roll cheesecake. Applicake candy icing wafer jelly bear claw jelly apple pie. Lemon drops sesame snaps gummies tiramisu pudding candy canes sweet. Halvah lemon drops powder marzipan brownie macaroon liquorice cupcake marshmallow. Donut caramels jujubes lemon drops. Pie jelly cheesecake. Gingerbread jujubes bear claw chocolate cake lemon drops bonbon. Jelly beans marzipan sweet. Gummi bears danish jujubes jelly-o. Chocolate bar ice cream applicake dessert biscuit. Cheesecake danish soufflé sugar plum. Macaroon liquorice lollipop oat cake. Liquorice applicake tootsie roll.

Gingerbread topping topping biscuit applicake jelly beans. Chocolate bar marshmallow jujubes pudding marshmallow. Gummies caramels candy dessert caramels. Croissant apple pie ice cream. Tiramisu gingerbread candy halvah cake wafer tootsie roll cotton candy sugar plum. Cotton candy cotton candy bear claw cupcake. liquorice lemon drops ice cream. Gummies candy canes caramels biscuit ice cream tiramisu. Bear claw cookie gummi bears sesame snaps sesame snaps cupcake cotton candy cheesecake. Marshmallow wafer soufflé jelly beans chocolate bar. Chocolate bar biscuit tart bear claw applicake sweet roll marzipan. Bear claw danish cake danish sweet roll oat cake halvah gingerbread.

Dessert donut candy canes donut pastry apple pie jelly beans bear claw. Carrot cake dragée bear claw. Cookie pie pie gummies liquorice applicake liquorice fruitcake. Muffin gummies lollipop muffin chocolate bar chupa chups. Biscuit halvah sesame snaps topping lollipop jelly beans danish brownie bear claw. Marzipan liquorice chocolate tart fruitcake. Chupa chups jujubes chocolate chocolate cake marshmallow marzipan. Cookie marshmallow liquorice toffee fruitcake sweet sesame snaps jelly-o tootsie roll. Lollipop chocolate cake lemon drops tiramisu sweet. Tootsie roll marshmallow sweet roll wafer sweet. Pudding halvah apple pie powder cookie applicake fruitcake pie cotton candy. Cupcake danish topping chocolate cheesecake lollipop applicake. Brownie bear claw tart. Tiramisu chocolate jujubes gingerbread tiramisu wafer.

with love release date: 8/06/13. label: independent.

tracklisting: Over Overthinking You*; Absolutely Final Goodbye; Make It Work; Get Yourself Together; With Love*; Tell My Mama; Feelin' Good*; The One I Crave; I Bet You Don't Curse God*; Think of You*; My Anthem*.

* denotes written by her.

find me release date: 6/14/11. label: independent.

tracklisting: Ugly*; Unforgivable*; Advice*; King of Thieves; Not Fragile*; Find Me*; Liar Liar*; Counting*.

* denotes written by her.

"the voice" (2014) herself - season six / third place
"dancing with the stars" (2012-2014) herself / performer
"remixed" (2012) herself / performer
"power up with samara nichols" (2012) herself / host
"the click clique" (2011) herself
"so random!" (2011) herself / performer

  • boom shakalaka BOOM
  • personality

    » tends to be somewhat talkative, open with herself and friendly in general to most people. she does tend to be a little weird at times, but it is something that she does not fully realize she does. she would talk a tree into a corner if she could. she isn't at all shy, and doesn't believe in keeping things to herself so she'll announce things openly. she was a very private, shy and quiet girl when she was growing up but has since grown out of that feeling and does not shy off as often as she used to when she was growing up (especially with being on stage because that means she's in her element). she can hold her own and enjoys being herself with people, even if she barely knows them. there are days when she does feel the need to be shy, quiet and the girl that she always was growing up instead of being the open and happy-go-lucky girl that would jump on someone if she were happy enough. she's basically very in-your-face without even realizing it, though not always in a bad way. she'll express herself and her opinions without a second thought and, though it tends to get her into trouble, she has a little bit of a problem keeping it under wraps since not everyone needs or wants to know her opinions/feelings on everything.
